Friday, October 18, 2019

Hopeful much?

     We're hardwired to hope. We all hope for different things and plan for all the things we want out of life.  We make those plans because we are hopeful that we don't get sick, that a tragic accident doesn't happen, after we go to school there is a good job waiting for us and we find someone to love and someone to love us in return. If we didn't have hope, we wouldn't plan too much for the future. I listened to a podcast a while ago that asked the question if you knew when you were going to die, how would that affect how you lived? My answer is it would affect how I saved (either squander it all or save more), how I ate (bacon three times a day or muesli for breakfast and salad for lunch), really, it would change everything. But I don't know the answer to that question. So I have hope and I plan.
     Iron Mike Tyson famously said, "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face." And we've all been punched in the face before because well, life. Sometimes, those punches can knock you down and it takes a long, long time to get up, find that hope and start planning again. Life kind of forces you to put one foot in front of the other because the day after you get punched in the face, the mf sun comes up again. Not cool sun, not cool. Sometimes those steps may seem to shuffle along for a few seasons before you find the spring in your step. I haven't been punched in the face for a while (metaphorically), and that's a good thing.
     All of those punches, the face hits, the body shots and the glancing blows form the emotional scars we all carry around with us and hopefully (there's that hope and change again) as we get older, those punches become love taps and all the hope and planning, muesli and salad eating, saving and exercising pay off in the long run.
     Because I'm a hopeful mf, I'm still planning and looking forward to spending time with my daughter and brother on Maui, time with Gwyne, family and friends, near and far as I try to solve the retirement formula. How about you - what are you planning for?

1 comment:

  1. Loved this article Alan, well written words from experience my friend. Bobak
